Life in urban spaces (Tel Aviv's skyline)

Fine art photography, Life in urban spaces (Tel Aviv's skyline) - Stefanie Pietschmann - skyline Ayalon Street Tel aviv Israel

Life in urban spaces

Urban spaces are where everyone meets; as such, they always reflect the attitude toward their inhabitants. People are different in their needs, demands, and desires. However, at times, the needs of some appear to be more relevant than the needs of others.

Therefore not everyone in the city can get their money’s worth which can feel quite depressing. Yet, before burying your head in the sand, it’s wise to remember that you can always choose how to deal with city life. Because instead of giving up, you can often change something by simply getting involved.

Tel Aviv’s skyline

I took this photo in May 2022. You can see the skyline of Tel Aviv above the Ayalon highway. This city area hosts many modern high-rise houses, with many more to come. Most of these kind of buildings in urban spaces are used for offices, and some have residential flats. It starkly contrasts to other parts of the city, some of which only have 2 or 3 floors.

Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.

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